Current event
The current event is a very important state returned by the plugin. Below is details of the value.
current event
: This is the current bubble event that has been left-clicked, right-clicked or hovered. Its type is your calendar's event type. For example if your calendar things are called Appointment, this value will be an Appointment.
Important: The following states/values are for advance user, example to help create context menu popup when an event is clicked or disable the default right click context menu like google calendar. Don't use them if you're not familiar with the concepts. For most users you shouldn't care about these.
current event id attribute:
The html ID attribute of the current clicked event. You can use this for showing a context menu menu popup using some javascript or some plugin.
current event's rightclick pageX:
The right-clicked horizontal coordinate (pageX) on an event.
current event's rightclick pageY:
The right-clicked vertical coordinate (pageY) on an event.
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