Event dragging and resizing

This page describes the triggers and actions for reacting to event drags and resize on the calendar.

Air Calendar doesn't automatically save dragged or resized events to database.

If your application allows dragging and resizing an event, you must add a workflow to update the event as explained below

A unique feature of Air Calendar is that it doesn't automatically write changes in calendar to the database. This allows you complete control on when and how to update your database.

The calendar provide the following states and events for updating an event in the database when it is modified on the calendar.


modified event: the current event that has just been dragged or resized. It's type is your calendar's event type so you can access all the thing's fields

modified event start : the start date of the modified event. This is a date type.

modified event end : the end date of the modified event. This is a date type.

modified all day : the new All day field of the modified event. This a yes/no field. Currently for some technical reasons you can't drag an event from the All Day field to a timed region and vice versa so you don't need to use this field. You can get the all day field from the event object itself. This value will become important when we enable the ability to drag events from All day region to time region or vice versa. So for you get the all day field from the modified event thing itself.


event is modified : This is triggered when an event on the calendar is dragged or resized.

Example workflow for updating an event when modified

  1. In the workflow tab add a new event and select AirCalendar event is modified.

2. Add a make a change to a thing action and in the Thing to change field select AirCalendar's modified event. Then for for your event's start and end dates select AirCalendar's modified event start and AirCalendar's modified event end states respectively.

Last updated